Postponed several times due to the uncertainties caused by the Corona pandemic, the second concert of the series “FUCHSTHONE reloaded” finally takes place on August 27, 2021. In this concert, the main focus is on the electronic sound collages created by our sound artist Eva Pöpplein.

The line-up on Aug. 27, 2021 in the Stadtgarten:

Caroline Thon, Christina Fuchs (composition, conduction, arrangement),
Martin Gasser, Julian Bossert, Francois Ribeaupierre, Benjamin Steil (saxes),
Christian Mehler, John-Denis Renken, Matthias Bergmann (trumpets),
Philipp Schittek, Matthias Schuller (trombones),
Wolf Schenk (basstrombone, tuba),
Zuzana Leharovà (violin),
Filippa Gojo (voice),
Laia Genc (piano),
Andreas Wahl (guitar),
Alex Morsey (bass),
Jens Düppe (drums),
Eva Pöpplein (electronics, live samples)

Caroline Thon and Christina Fuchs designed their compositions for this program based on the impressions that the electronic sounds and sound collages evoked in them. Consequently, Eva Pöpplein is given a particularly large amount of solo space in the pieces. In addition, live sampling is being used for the first time: acoustic sounds are modified live according to the improvisational approach.

It is a new sound experience for all musicians involved, who have to react live to the modified sounds. The technical requirements necessary for this have been successfully introduced and open up further sound experiments that have a long way to go. Once again, this concert will follow the concept of evolving existing compositions, or performing compositions whose compositional process has not yet been completed.

The following pieces are on the program:

(Composition: Caroline Thon)

An appeal to prove the French existentialist Jean-Paul Sartre wrong with his negative views on mankind!

PART I „Closed Society“
Based on the stage drama “Closed Society”, the confrontation and threat of this negative view is set to music. You can hear quotations based on the stage drama of the main protagonist “Garcin”.

PART II „Naisser“
(Further development of the 1st draft of the composition “Naisser”)
Increasing aggression is expressed by frantic brass sections and a rocking guitar solo. This resembles a description of how it could end, if Jean-Paul Sartre should be right with his pessimistic view on mankind.

PART III „Conclusion“
As the classical final movement of a three-movement suite, a slow movement concludes, and here the opposite position is presented:
what it might be like if we were to engage with the following words of the Buddhist master Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche:

„It is our mind that either chains us or liberates us“.

Photo: AdobeStock 355673361

(Composition: Christina Fuchs)

Yves Klein, the French conceptual artist, is best known for his monochrome paintings, in which he primarily used a monochrome ultramarine blue, which he eventually patented under the name “International Klein Blue.”

The psychological color effect of this blue tone consists in the magnetic pull it causes on the viewer, who literally feels drawn into the picture… the music that was created along with it has the same effect.

A quotation from Yves Klein appears in the piece: He complains about the birds making holes in his best work of art as they fly around in the cloudless, blue sky.

Photo by C.Fuchs

(Composition: Christina Fuchs)

This composition is based on six abstract photographs depicting natural structures. Electronic sounds are associated with them and musical structures are composed.

In the spirit of a “Gesamtkunstwerk”, the sounds and associated compositions are arranged in the form of a suite consisting of several parts.

Photo by C.Fuchs

(Composition: Christina Fuchs)

The village of Mamoiada is located in the province of Nuoro in Sardinia. This is where the traditional folk dance “Passu Torrau” originates from. A vocal tradition based on four tenors is also native to the same area.

This piece is inspired by the version “Passu Torrau” of the quartet “Tenore Gòine de Núgoro”. In 2016 Christina Fuchs has won the 1st prize in the International Composition Competition “Scrivere in Jazz” for jazz orchestra there and this is how she got in touch with the region.

Photo by C.Fuchs


With their RELOADED# concert series, the FUCHSTHONE ORCHESTRA, in cooperation with the European Center for Jazz and Contemporary Music / Stadtgarten Cologne, pursues the consistent ongoing development of their compositions in a direct exchange with the orchestra.

Press says:

“The Fuchsthone Orchestra is not a repertoire band, but a live band that introduces new music at each performance, or rearranges existing pieces.”

Uwe Bräutigam
